New Pad Mount Power Transformer from Noark !

Noark Electric is releasing a new Pad Mount transformer to the market


Noark introduces ZG series transformers to the market for Pad mounting.

They are available at low voltage :  208 @ 600 volts, or medium and high voltage of 2.5 KV @ 35 KV.

 From 150 to 5000 KVA, 50 or 60 HZ ZG series pad mount transformers are ideal for :power distribution networks, industrial parks, shopping centers, community buildings, wind power, photovoltaic solutions, etc.

They are built and can be produced for almost any custom design. They consist of HV and LV compartments with integrated HV and LV terminals, transformer box, load circuit breaker, tap changer, pressure relief valve, pressure gauge. oil level and a thermometer. Transformer body, load circuit breaker, fuse, tap changer, etc. are all placed in the case, which has a compact assembly, which results in a reduced footprint. Typically the volume is only about a third of a prefabricated substation at the same voltage level and capacity, with the added benefit of reduced weight.

The HV side is protected by double fuses (emergency fuses and plug-in fuses) for added safety and reliability.

Certification: UL Standard: IEEE C57.12.00, C57.12.28, CSA C2.1- 06, C227.4

Contact us for a quote The Prosynergic team